Under the procedures announced in Notice 92-28, 1992-1 C.B. 515, the IRS on September 4 released six exemption rulings issued by the National Office's Exempt Organizations Division.
The rulings are primarily form letters recognizing exemption under section 501. (The rulings can be retrieved from Tax Analysts' customer service department under the document numbers listed. Call (800) 955-3444.)
The following organizations received exemption as organizations described under section 501(c)(3):
-1. Community Foundation of Charles County Inc., Waldorf, Md. Doc 2007-20300
-1. Miami Valley Academies, Moraine, Ohio. Doc 2007-20301
The following organization received exemption as an organization described under section 501(c)(15):
-1. Topper Reinsurance Ltd., Southfield, Mich. Doc 2007-20302
The following organizations received exemption as organizations described under section 501(c)(25):
-1. TR Continental Plaza Corp., Newport Beach, Calif. Doc 2007-20303
-1. TR Seaway Corp., Chicago. Doc 2007-20304
TR Turnpike Corp., Newport Beach, Calif. Doc 2007-20305 [